On-site or online, I'll support your employee wellbeing with expertly-crafted programs.

Boost morale, productivity, and profits; lower absenteeism, turnover, and healthcare costs; and improve your team’s health with yoga, meditation, nutrition counseling, stress management, and mindfulness!

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On-site or online, I will meet your team for a transformative experience.

Let me share my insight and expertise on a range of topics: from how to integrate self-care into a busy lifestyle to preparing delicious, nutritious meals in under 30 minutes!

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Virtual Seminars

With a focus on holistic nutrition, mindfulness, and stress reduction, each seminar is designed to educate and motivate employees to stay healthy and productive no matter where they are. Choose from a range of topics like stress management, how to quit sugar, maintaining a healthy mindset, eating for immunity, and more!


1-hour session

✔ Lecture with presentation slides

✔ Tips for reducing stress and maintaining a healthy work-life balance

✔ Motivational and educational insights from an expert facilitator

✔ Workbook to support the topics covered

✔ Q&A session at the end

**Click HERE to book a call and view my full Corporate Wellness Catalog!

In-person Workshops

Enhance company culture and cultivate stronger team morale! Each workshop provides a comprehensive approach to wellness and includes an interactive experience with hands-on activities and group discussions designed to engage employees and promote healthy habits. Participants will leave with the tools and knowledge to make positive changes in their daily lives.


 1-hour session

✔ Nutrition, exercise, and stress management strategies

✔ Interactive experience with hands-on activities and group discussions

✔ Expert facilitator who engages and motivates participants

✔ Take-home materials with accessible wellness tips and tools

**Click HERE to book a call and view my full Corporate Wellness Catalog!

Yoga Classes

Build a supportive community among your staff, while providing a comfortable and accessible outlet for managing stress. Use movement and mindfulness to stimulate creativity, heal the body from prolonged desk work, and recover from the stresses of a fast-paced work environment - ultimately leading to increased workplace satisfaction and productivity!


 30 or 60-minute session

Movement, breathwork, & mindfulness practices

Recording upon request (if virtual)

Choose from 3 class styles:

1 - Meditation and Breathwork
2 - Vinyasa Flow (energizing, uplifting)
3 - Slow Flow (grounding, meditative)

Ready to boost your team's wellbeing?

Book a complimentary call to learn more about how my Corporate Wellness offerrings can serve you and your organization:
book a call

Not sure how best to serve your team?

Join me for a complimentary, no-pressure call so we can discuss solutions that are right for you and your organization's goals:

let's chat

Not sure how best to serve your team?

Join me for a complimentary, no-pressure call so we can discuss solutions that are right for you and your organization's goals:

let's chat